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Growth Innovators Vignette: Teladoc Health, Inc.

John Sviokla

Teladoc Health, Inc. is a global leader in providing virtual healthcare services. This report looks at qualifying financial performance metrics and key areas of investment that generated significant positive return, including:

  • Increasing their global footprint
  • Expanding clinical services
  • Growing network of health professionals
  • Key management and executive incentives

Not only is Teladoc in a fantastic and growing space, they are able to create outsized growth because of both their strategic vision and investment but also great execution and value creation. There are many firms who compete in this industry–and the number of healthcare startups and healthcare venture capital investments are massive. However, Teladoc has shown the managerial courage to invest boldly and execute with consistency which has earned it a place among the growth innovators in an ever more important market of health and connected care.


About the Growth Innovators Study:

Manifold’s Growth Innovators Study, in partnership with Valens Research, is a proprietary assessment of the economic value of R&D and innovation investment in over 10,000 firms. The study includes the Growth Innovators Matrix, an instrument that helps teams see how they stack up relative to peer organizations. For individuals looking to make the case for increasing R&D investment, we believe the matrix can help draw a direct line between investment and potential impact.

Some of the study's finding include:

  • Growth Innovators have roughly 2x higher valuation/asset multiples than the average across all companies.
  • 17% of companies across industries are Growth Innovators.
  • Growth Innovators are represented across industries, although some industries have a disproportionate share.