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The Impact and Value of Mapping Your Company’s Future History

John Sviokla

Disruptive innovation is the key to growth in the face of adversity and deep technological and organizational challenges. Despite the ever-present need to innovate, one thing remains perfectly clear: the future remains unknown. However, using practical imagination and a futurist’s mindset, companies of today can write their future histories to create disruptive innovation for years to come.

In this webinar, best-selling author Chunka Mui, Futurist and Innovation Advisor at Future Histories Group, discussed practical applications from his new book, "A Brief History of a Perfect Future: Inventing the World We Can Proudly Leave Our Kids by 2050", that showcase how companies can not only envision their future but work toward it by writing their future history. Through the exploration of organizational and technological challenges––ones that affect your customer and your business model––Chunka detailed how writing your future history will create the next decades of innovation value.