The New Data Infrastructure Powering Fintech Innovation
The cornerstones of Fintech solutions contributing to the financial sector’s rapid evolution include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and digital banking. These cornerstones, along with the impact of new, diversified technologies, will continue to power innovative disruptions for years to come. The next frontier of Fintech innovation, however, has met its newest driver: SKU-level receipt data.
Host John Sviokla welcomed Jehan Luth––Founder and CEO at Banyan, a retail data interchange network––to the Growth Innovators Speaker Series and discussed the insights that SKU-level receipt data can provide to the financial sector, and how that insight can power the future of Fintech innovation.
Discussion included topics such as:
- The next 5 years of customer data
- Corporate and consumer benefits to understanding SKU-level receipt data
- Using receipt data to adapt offerings and services benefiting customers
- Transparency as a competitive advantage
- The next wave in customer experience
Banyan, a retail data interchange network for SKU-level receipt data, empowers consumers to securely, safely and anonymously connect their receipts to any app. Prior to founding Banyan, Jehan served as the Director of Technology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, where he built clinical trial data infrastructure and used computer vision to code pictures of consumer receipts.